Our Constitution




  • The group shall be called Wintringham Residents Association (WRA) and will represent the community in Wintringham, St Neots


Working together as a community with one voice


  1. Provide a single, cohesive and powerful voice for residents
  2. Help residents work together on community issues
  3. Coordinate community events and share community resources


  • Liaise with statutory and non-statutory organisations to improve the quality of life in Wintringham and the surrounding area
  • Engender a sense of community through the provision of community activities
  • Raise funds to provide community activities
  • Associate with any organisation whose aims benefit the association
  • Actively encourage all Wintringham residents to become involved in the association
  • Act with impartiality to party political groups 


  • Raise money 
  • Open bank accounts 
  • Take out insurance 
  • Promote environmental improvement and conservation by educating, encouraging, and assisting the local population in environmental practice, working in partnership with similar groups and organisations
  • Promote the health and wellbeing of the residents of the area and to work together to promote equality and diversity within the community and to work towards the elimination of discrimination within it
  • Work with groups of a similar nature and exchange information, advice and resources with them, including cooperation with other voluntary bodies, charities, statutory and non-statutory organisations
  • Buy and own equipment necessary for the achievement of the association’s aims
  • Do anything that is lawful which will help it to fulfil its aims


  • Membership is open and automatic to all residents aged 16 and over residing in Wintringham, which is defined as being the area:
    • South of Cambridge Road
    • West of the A428
    • North of B1046
    • East of the Railway Line and Caravan Park joining Cambridge Road (as of 18th October 2021).
  • Membership is free

Executive Committee:
  • An Executive Committee (hereinafter called the Committee) shall be elected at the Group's AGM and shall consist of no more than ten and no less than two members of the Group.
  • The members of the executive committee shall be elected by the meeting as Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
  • The Committee shall have the right to co-opt extra members should the need arise. Should a vacancy arise, the committee can co-opt a member to fill the vacancy until the next AGM.

Working Groups:
  • The Committee may appoint Working Groups (or sub-committees) to carry out the activities of the Group
  • Such Working Groups will be directly accountable to the Committee
  • The Committee will agree in advance the terms of reference for any Working Group
  • If any Working Group continues after the AGM, its members must be re-elected at the AGM 

  • An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held within 18 months of the last AGM. Fourteen days’ notice of this meeting shall be given to all members. Notice will be given by email wherever possible. At the AGM, the Committee shall provide financial and other reports to the membership as required
  • An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at the discretion of half the Committee, or by a written request from not less than 10 members stating the reason for calling the meeting. Where members have called for the meeting, the committee is obligated to arrange and call such a meeting. Such an extraordinary meeting shall be held not more than twenty-eight days from the date of receipt of the request.
  • Meetings may be either face to face, virtual or a hybrid of the two at the discretion of the Committee
  • All decisions taken at a General Meeting are effective from the date of that meeting.  Decisions will be made by simple majority.  
  • In the event of a tied vote, there is no additional casting vote. The vote shall be declared lost, but can be resubmitted at a future meeting without prejudice.
  • If there is a tied vote then the Chairperson shall have a second vote
  • Proposed changes to the constitution must be submitted to the Secretary not less than 21 days before the meeting at which it is to be discussed with prior notice given to members of the wording of the proposed alteration(s). Votes to amend the constitution require 66% of those present (in person or virtual) to agree
Financial Control:
  • The funds of the Group shall be deposited with a bona-fide bank by a committee member and withdrawals shall only be made with the joint signatures of two committee members or online authorisation by two committee members. These two members should not be related. All funds must be applied in furtherance of the aims of the group and for no other purposes
  • Winding up - any money or property remaining after payment of debts must be given to a Group or charity with similar purposes to this one that is active within the Huntingdonshire district.
  • Any expenditure over £100 shall be authorised by the committee at a meeting, by at least two signatories on the community bank account
  • The nominated insurance provider indemnifies the management committee, from the funds of the association, for losses and expenses that may arise from any claim made against them, as a result of the proper exercise of their duties, including consequential losses and costs incurred to rectify any harm done, such as legal fees or other professional costs. 
This constitution was adopted on 22/11/2021 by the Wintringham Residents Association Committee, and updated at the AGM on 07/01/2023
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