Our Committee

All of the Wintringham Resident Association members play an important role in whatever area they work in or group they lead. The below members have permanent roles (as per the WRA Constitution) and form the Committee:
Chairperson - Scott J (interim)     
Secretary - Jan G 
Treasurer - Mariya S 
General (Events) - Scott J
General (Neighbourhood Watch) - Jasmine & Syprian 
General - Debora
General - Vacant 
General - Vacant
General - Vacant
General - Vacant

We are always looking for more WRA committee members, to help with communications, events and just in general! 

If you would like to find out more, or would like to start a group focussed around an issue or opportunity, please get in touch via the Contact Us page.

If you are a new or soon to be new Wintringham resident, check out our new residents guide for help!