About Us 

Wintringham became occupied in 2020 by it's first residents, who saw the potential good that could be realised by residents working together for the betterment of the community. This was formalised in 2021 with the formal creation of the Wintringham Residents Association (WRA).

In 2022, Urban & Civic (Wintringham Master Developer) and St Neots Town Council formally agreed to help support the WRA, and so the infrastructure was put in place (such as the website you are reading now) to ensure the effective running of the WRA for residents with the main aims of:

  • Providing a collective and powerful voice for residents
  • Helping residents work together on community issues
  • Coordinating community events and sharing community resources
These aims form our vision: Creating a, safe, enjoyable and inclusive place to live 

The WRA only exists thanks to the support of the community members to take a few hours each month to help in their spare (!) time.

Regardless of whether you have lived in Wintringham for years, or if you have just arrived, if you can spare an hour or more each month and want to help, please get in touch, we would love to hear from you!
If you are a new or soon to be new Wintringham resident, check out our new residents guide for help!