Wintringham Broadband FAQs   

Content kindly compiled by resident OFNL expert Dan Sanders 

Q: What Broadband services are available at Wintringham?

Homes in Wintringham come with super-fast FTTP (Fibre to the Property) broadband installed as standard, on the OFNL network, with speeds of up to 360Mbps available (The UK average broadband speed is 60Mbps). Because there are currently no BT lines installed in Wintringham, you cannot get a ‘traditional’ landline service. You can still get a landline if you would like, but it will be a VoIP service (Voice over IP) meaning that your landline works via your internet connection.

Q: Who are OFNL?

OFNL (Open Fibre Networks) are an independent fibre broadband network. This means that they have their own network, which is separate to other major networks like BT or Virgin Media. OFNL are just the network operator, and you do not purchase your broadband service from them directly. There are a number of providers who offer various packages on the OFNL network. (Similar to your electricity - The National Grid operate the power network, and there are a number of energy providers offering different package/prices that you can choose from). To find out more about OFNL, check out their website here -

Q: Who are the different service providers?

There are various service providers you can choose from, each offering different packages depending on your needs. Due to the fact that OFNL is a smaller network than some of the major broadband providers, you may not have heard the names of some of their companies before, but rest assured that they are genuine organisations. 
You can see a list of the available OFNL providers by clicking here, and you will see the packages/prices on offer once you click on a provider, so it’s worth checking each one out to compare.

Q: How do I determine which provider/package is best for me?

There are a number of factors to consider when deciding on which broadband service to take. You’ll need to weigh up which of these are most important to you, versus how much you want to spend on your broadband.

Do you want a landline? – Some packages are for internet only, and do not include a landline. If you want a landline, you will either need to select a package which includes one. (Sometimes referred to as Internet + Voice), or add it as an optional extra.
Speed – This is going to be the main thing which determines how much you are going to pay for your internet service (More speed = more money). A few useful things to know when it comes to internet speeds:

Each package will show 2 speeds, one for downloading, and one for uploading. Generally speaking, most people do not need fast upload speeds, unless you are regularly uploading large files to the internet (Like YouTube videos). So, unless this applies to you, you don’t necessarily need to pay extra for faster upload speeds.
For the average user, an internet connection of around 80-100Mbps would meet most people’s needs. You might want to consider going for faster speeds if you:

Regularly stream HD/4K video content
For ‘more serious’ online gaming (80-100Mbps works just fine for ‘casual’ online gaming)
Regularly use video conferencing (Teams, Zoom, Skype etc.)
Have multiple devices using the internet at the same time in your home. (Streaming TV, whilst someone else is gaming, whilst someone else is on a Video call)
If you have a large number of smart home devices
Or, if you just want the peace of mind of having a faster internet connection.

Contract length – Some providers offer their services on a 12/18/24 Month contract basis, whereas some of the providers offer services on a 30-day rolling, contract free, basis. Usually, you will get a cheaper price for signing up to a longer contract, but you are then locked in with that provider, and might have to pay hefty charges if you ever wanted to leave/switch during your contract. So, it’s worth weighing up whether you want to pay a little bit extra for the flexibility of no contract. 
Introductory Offers – Most providers will have some sort of offer running to entice you to go with them, pay close attention to how long that offer lasts for, and what the full price will be once the offer comes to an end. 
Speed Throttling – Have you ever noticed with your broadband that you don’t always get the speed that you pay for? Or that was advertised by your provider? This is usually because of something called Speed Throttling. During peak times of day where internet demand is high, your internet provider may slow your internet speed down to manage capacity on their network. Internet providers are allowed to do this, providing that it is made clear to you in the terms & conditions. Given that this happens during peak times, this is likely to be when you are also trying to use your own internet, which can get quite frustrating. Some providers do have guarantees of no speed throttling, and that you will always get the speed that you pay for. Generally, these will be slightly more expensive than providers who do use speed throttling, so again this is something to weigh up.
Customer Service – It’s worth checking out the customer reviews (Google & Trustpilot etc) on each provider, as some do have better levels of customer service than others.

Q: Why can’t we get broadband from other providers like BT or Virgin Media?

During construction, the land in Wintringham remains the private property of the developers (CALA, Morris, Durkan etc.) & the master developer (Urban & Civic). Therefore, it is up to the developers as to who they allow to install broadband services on site. OFNL are currently the exclusive broadband provider on Wintringham, and no other providers have been given permission to install their networks here.

Q: When will other providers become available?

This depends on when the roads in and around Wintringham are handed over to the local authority to adopt (Huntingdonshire District Council). Generally, roads are only handed over once construction is complete on site. Once the roads have been adopted by the council, BT will be allowed to come in and install their cables. Other providers, such as Virgin Media, can then apply for permits with the council to install their services, if they choose to do so. 

Q: What should I do if my internet goes down?

Firstly, check that your router is still powered on, and connected properly to the OFNL box. Consider checking with your neighbours whether they are experiencing issues to, or if it’s just yourself (The Wintringham Facebook group, or various WhatsApp groups are good places to do this). Outages are rare, but they do happen from time to time, as is the case with any broadband provider. You can report the outage to both your service provider, and the OFNL network directly. If there is an outage on the network, it usually impacts everyone, regardless of which provider you are with, as they are all on the same network. So switching provider unfortunately won’t help with experiencing outages.
Unfortunately, because OFNL are the exclusive broadband provider on Wintringham, there isn’t another network you can move to. If outages are causing you issues, you could consider getting a 4G/5G mobile hotspot as a backup option if/when outages do occur. 

Q: Anything else I should know?
Routers – With high-speed fibre broadband, you also need a router which is capable of handling high internet speeds. If you opt for a 160Mbps broadband package, but your router is only capable of handling internet speeds of 100Mbps, then your internet speed will be limited to 100Mbps. So, make sure you have a compatible router. Some providers will give you the option to add a router to your package for an additional cost, or you can purchase one for yourself.
Wifi range & speed – The router you choose will also determine what kind of range you get within your home, and the speed of your internet over Wifi. Even if your router is capable of handling high speeds, this is over a wired connection (LAN) and doesn’t always mean you will get those speeds over Wifi. So, if the majority of the devices in your home are connected via Wifi, it’s worth considering investing in a higher spec router which supports fast internet over Wifi (look for routers with Wifi 5 or Wifi 6 support). 
Range Extenders / Mesh Wifi – In some of the larger homes (particularly 3 storey) a standard router will generally not be able to provide Wifi coverage to the whole house. There are a number of different options on the market for range extenders, or Mesh Wifi (require a mesh Wifi compatible router) so it’s worth doing some further research on these if you need full coverage around your home. 

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